Excavation Diary Entry

Name: EUR 
Date: 8/19/2012 
Entry: This was another day without workers and again we had to screen the soil ourselves. We were working simultaniously in two units: 18356 - including the central, SE, and NW spaces (excavated by EUR and CMF) and 17289 - only in the SW space (excavated by JMR). It was very tough bringing the buckets of soil all the way to the screening area, because we had to go through three levels of delicate features. We were worried about knocking stuff down with the buckets. The lack of workers did slow us down, but we did screen all the soil of 17289. The soil of 18356 was tallied and collected into the large sacks that we use normally for flotation.
After finishing with 18356, we decided to begin with a new unit 18370, which was intended to be some sort of sondage for finding the building floor. The unit comprised of the entire central space of the building. We began with a 30 cm pass, starting from SE. In the center of the bldg we came across a fallen wall, that seemed to be perpendicular to the floor plan. It looked like you were looking at a wall, but instead of being vertical it was horizontal. The position of the mudbricks and the mortar seemed to suggest that the wall is laying in a flat surface, hopefully the floor. We will investigate this tomorrow. 
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