Entry: | Diary up to 17th May1999
01.05.99 Saturday Today is my first working day at Çatal for 1999. I and Basak started to do the section drawing Rof North facing wall 79 and wall 406 (which cuts it) of Space 117 Building 2. Graphics no. 99/141.
02.05.99 Sunday Wall 79 and its east continuation in space 116 were drawn. Graphics no. 99/151.
03.05.99 Monday We are still in Building 2, space 117; section drawing of east facing wall 93. Graphics no. 99/152.
04.05.99 Tuesday Still working on wall 93.
05.05.99 Wednesday I moved to Building 16-space 164, and started to draw the North facing elevation. But the east end of the section was still excavating so I helped to digging.
06.05.99 Thursday I have finished to draw the North facing wall (Graphics no. 99/180) and started to west facing wall in space 164 of Building 16.
08.05.99 Saturday Today the weather was freezing. It was really very difficult to do some drawings, I’d rather carry zembil!!! Continuation of drawing same as yesterday.
09.05.99 Sunday In the Building 16-space 164 the west facing wall was drawn. Graphics no. 99/200.
10.05.99 Monday I have taken the wall plasters and floors off from the west facing wall in space 164. They were all taken as archive and flotation samples and described in to the unit sheets. Unit 4382-floor 1, unit 4381-floor 2, unit 4380-wall plasters.
11.05.99 Tuesday The bricks underneath the wall plasters were drawn as overlay of the west facing wall space 164. After that I helped to remove the soil in deep sounding.
12.05.99 Wednesday In the space 156, the North facing-south wall was drawn. Graphics no. 99/213.
13.05.99 Thursday I started to remove wall 79 this morning. There were two different kind of bricks so they were recorded and sampled.
15.05.99/16.05.99 Saturday and Sunday I continued to remove the wall 79 with pick and trowel.
17.05.99 Monday Truncated wall 79 and the fill deposit south of it were planned. Graphics no. 99/230.Entered By: Nurcan Yalman |