Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Lucy Hawkes 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 5/16/1999 
Entry: I have been taking out the infill 4465 between wall 79 and wall 73. This infill is unusually full of large animal bones . It also contained the bones of a pole-cat which seems to have entered into the deposit through an animal burrow. There was some discussion as to whether it had crawled in and died. However, Sheelagh remarked that it is rare for burrowing animals to die in their burrows as they normally go up to the surface to die, ( we are however not well informed as to the likelihood of such small mammals having sudden heart failure whilst burrowing). Anyway, This layer of infill continues down past the level of the base of wall 73 and also continues eastward with the eastward extension of wall 73. We also discovered that wall 73, rather than being limited to the northern edge of space 159 in fact continues along the northern edge of space 163 as a thin skim and finally erodes away half way along. Wall 401 bonds at its northern edge with wall 73, and then wall 73 bonds at its western edge with wall 400, so this is in fact all the same construction event which was then cut into by walls 403/405. This is not surprising as these three walls (401, 73 and 400) are constructed of identical materials. It also appears that, as I originally thought (but then changed my mind) there is a wall under wall 400 which is not fill. There is also a wall of the same dark brick as the one under wall 400 under wall 73.Entered By: Lucy Hawkes 
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