Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Erik Johansson 
Date: 7/31/2013 
Entry: Some thoughts on the problems working in a wall bounded space filled with bins and only 3 excavation days left.

Space 493 and its bins causes some logistical problems. The botanical gold mine that it is, specialists have to be able to do their sampling, but meanwhile, we in TPC 3 must excavate the collapsed and burnt construction material, trying to get to the floor of the space. This is crucial for the 3D recording of the space, which is also required by the specialists.

A maximum of 2 people can work in Sp. 493 at the same time, that is if they don't move, and only dig at the same spot. A switch can be made, but the situation will be the same, only from another angle. These two people consists, at this time, of one excavating archaeologist and one specialist - in this case an archaeo-bothanist.

This affects the POD/TEAM in a negative way. It is impossible to work alongside with the student in the space, and due to a lack of time left, it is difficult and would be inefficient to change places, working in intervalls. Especially now when we are trying to reach the floor, while tracing bin walls, recording several X-finds and assisting the specialists with sample numbers, flotation bags and general documentation. If we were to keep the pod intact through out the excavation of Sp. 493 it would mean alot of time when there is nothing to do for the student, it's even hard to obeserv what is going on in the space.

The practical result is the logical flexibility of letting the student work in another part of the trench, respecting the needs of the archaeology that has got to be finished before the seasons end.

I would guess that this situation is quite common for the students, especially if you don't have any experience before coming to Catal. Add fragile archaeology and a language barrier to that equation and the result is, I think, most negative for the student. As pod leaders we are supposed to learn the students the "know how" and the "how to", but the reality on site isn't always that simple.

So, is the Pod/Team contruction a good thing for the students? 
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