Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Richard Turnbull 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 5/25/1999 
Entry: Realised as soon after I started digging today that some of what I thought was infill (4432) was in fact infill (4433) continuing further to the east than I had originally thought. But (4433) still up against the back of the wall to the south, and (4432) still a separate infill on top of that wall. I think the fact that there proved to be two infills here instead of one probably solves the phasing problem that Shahina mentioned to me. So excavated (4433) along to it’s eastern end but only to a limited depth, just enough to define the walls on either side. And had to redo plans - the other problem with initially getting the infills wrong is that all the material that was dry sieved was labelled as (4433). Doesn’t really matter as very similar units and probably only a little material from (4432) anyway - and possibly some of the material in the flotation samples is mixed ( and I’ll have to check where I took the archives from ) but again I can’t see that it matters too much. . .Entered By: Richard Turnbull 
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