Excavation Diary Entry

Name: TSK 
Date: 8/12/2013 
Entry: As hoped, exposing the brick was finished before breakfast and after a short discussion we decided, that this would be the last one for now. The rest of the day in the field, I spent on cutting down the wall F.2424 to the level of the wall F.3303 and the buttress F.5063. The now exposed three-feature corner made me come to two almost certain conclusions. First of all I am sure right now, that F.2424 was built before F.3303, because they are divided by a distinctive plaster layer, which apparently belongs to F.2424. Secondly it also becomes clear, that F.2424 and F.5063 are connected as neither the mortar-layers nor the mudbricks of these features seem to be divided.
This implicates that F.5063 ist also older than F.3303, which is contrary to our prior assumption that this might be the youngest feature of the three and therefore must be excavated first.
As we did not know then what we know now, this is an understandable mistake and not a dramatic one, because it will probably cause no further difficulties. Still the question remains, how the second, much larger, buttress fits into the picture. As by now we are not even sure whether we cut it already or not, this will only be solved after further steps, the final one being a full profile from top to bottom, which will also involve the adjacent building 106.
The next step anyhow will be to check, whether the plaster layers of wall F.2424 and buttress F.5063 are directly connected and thus divide F.5063 from wall F.3303. Should this not be the case, I will have to revise my view on the construction once more. 
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