Excavation Diary Entry

Name: TSK 
Date: 8/14/2013 
Entry: As intended, I continued to cut further into the wall F.2424. I could not work as fast as yesterday, because I took floating samples and the therefore had to seperate the mudbrick from the mortar. Nonetheless, a small piece of the freshly cut profile shows the part where wall F.2424 and wall F.3303 are abutting each other.
Surprisingly, the plaster layer of F.2424 is not visible anymore in this section. In fact it looks pretty much the same as the cut in the middle of F.2424. The most obvious difference to me was, that the number of finds and larger phytolith or charcoal inclusions was higher than before. It also seems as if there might not be a plaster layer between the buttress F.5063 and the wall F.3303, but as especially this area is very disturbed by animal burrows, this will only be confirmed by the next profile which I will cut tomorrow deeper in to the Features 3303 and 5063. As mentioned yesterday, there was one single red mudbrick inside the wall F.2424. I wonder what the meaning of this might have been for the builders of this house. I can not imagine that this brick was used for stability issues and other practical reasons do not come to my mind.
What remains are the symbolic reasons. It seems as if a lot of soil from the east mound was used for building the houses on the west mound. It is possible that the inhabitants did this because they were trying to link themselves to the other settlement in a symbolic way. Perhaps the different soil used for the red brick came from a place with a special meaning for the people living in the house which is now known to us as building 105. 
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