Entry: | This is the Report for the 15.08.2013:
Today I finished the units 31124 and 31179. After removing the interfill (31124) and going further down at F. 3306 (unit 31179), the west profile of feature 5074 showed a swift of the plaster line at unit 18351. It was followed by an interfill and went on further to the north. After removing 31124 it was clear, that only part of the plaster of the outside of F. 3306 could be followed. The main reason for that might be the disturbance in the middle area of the unit (animals, pits). The plaster continued at the very east. Even though was at the very west a clear line of plaster in the planum, which was connected with the northern plaster line of the mentioned profile (F. 5074). I started to excavate at space 453 at building 106 during the last two working hours of the day. In this short time I could only remove a small layer of room fill (unit 31189), which contained 4 X finds and two charcoal samples. At Saturday I will go on removing the fill until I hopefully reach a floor or the ground level. |