Entry: | Today I first flattened the fill around the horns discovered yesterday to see if there are traces of a pit cut: this doesn’t seem to be the case. As I previously said, the earth consistency of the fill is very irregular and heterogeneous, but most of the time it is this dark-brown loose earth that is found: the south-west corner wasn’t very particular in this regard. I spent the morning freeing the wall corner behind the horns, where there seem to be two beigy mudbrick (-plaster?) at quite right angle. I also found another horn, this time probably sheep horn, that was "floating" in the room fill about 60cm to the east, but unfortunately broken while excavating After flattening again and a lot of photos, I proceeded with the removal of the room fill. Pottery sherds, two bone tools and a ground stone were found. I will continue leveling the room fill to 30 cm from the surface. I already reached this point in the east and will extend it to the rest of the southern room side. While using the pick, I am often puzzling if some plaster patches or different earth consistency are anything important, but by following them they always turn out to be just "meaningless" spots, the room fill seems thus to be full of various earth material. |