Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Richard Turnbull 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 5/31/1999 
Entry: Continuing to work in the north part of Space 173. Today realised (when Peter pointed out that the stuff he was taking off as (4441) was quite different to what I was excavating) that had started to excavate material that quite distinct from the backfill, (4321) & (4439) - had already taken out a fair bit. I’ve numbered it up as (4446). The flotation sample I took for (4439) fine though. (4439) was actually very thin here- just a few centimetres....The removal of (4439) and some of (4446) has revealed at least one more bin ( in the NW corner ) and a mud brick ‘wall’ running E-W wýth a concentration of stone and clay ball fragments to the north of it - also another line running E-W showing up north of this concentration against the south side of bin 488.
Tomorrow with Peter will excavate (4440) - down to expose space as it was when backfilled- (except for where (4446) partially excavated of course). I have no idea what (4446) represents as yet- it is completely unlike the backfill - no large inclusions - it’s very homogenous brown clay/silt with traces of phytolith throughout. Presumably deposited post-abandonment of this space as a room during an interval prior to demolition. The layer does sit in a lower part of the space and is butting against other deposits/features?to the north and west.
Another crack overnight in the wall at the N.end of the space.Entered By: Richard Turnbull 
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