Excavation Diary Entry

Name: PAB 
Date: 8/22/2013 
Entry: This very day i continued excavation and cleaning up of the walls in building 107. Even the southern wall turned out to have 2 building phases. That wasn’t clear yesterday. Interestingly we saw 2 to 3 larger bricks in the older part of the walls while we had our trench tour. After we finished excavations in building 107 and got everything photographed I switched over to building 98. I started to excavate a thing orange layer in the north eastern part of the structure. The layer possibly is the result of a burning event. That’ why we collect everything from this layer for a flotation sample even the layer above. We gave unit numbers to the layers; the orange layer is called 31235 and the clayish compact layer on top (which seem to include tiny charcoal pieces!) is called 31236. The orange clay material is very crumbly and fragile so it was/will be delicate to trace it back. So far I can say that it seems to continue (at least for a bit). Even though I wasn’t there to day TET found new walls/buttresses (you can clearly see mud brick and mortar lines in the particular profiles; F3334 and F3338) in space 448 making it a new structure. 
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