Excavation Diary Entry

Name: GWN 
Date: 8/25/2013 
Entry: Today is the last excavation day so we had to finish the digging and clearing of our units. Surely it was not possible to close them, neither to explore the buildings in total, especially not the building 125. From Tuesday on, the site will be backfilled so there will be no more opportunities for excavation and research of the remaining areas and levels below 125.

However this season excavation of building 98 and the one bellow it (125) gave a lot of information regarding the building technology of ‘Chalcolithic’ houses as well as about its interior area. Considering b.125 today we determined that the ‘buttress’ does not have regular elements common for this architectural structures or it was cut to the very bottom level. In that context the walls aside from the buttress can not be confirmed yet which still makes further difficulties for defining this feature. Due to today’s excavation we know that there is floor which is joined to the northern part of the ‘buttress’, but it suddenly slopes from its western side and even goes bellow the buttress in its southern part. Also the unit 31245 was removed (a charcoal layer) where the large remains of the sloping floor (31218) were confirmed.

My last Mammoth and Mastodons shirt was on me today which signifies the ending days of this wonderful season. As Mammoths and Mastodons moves slowly so we are coming bit by bit to the last days of research. Tomorrow is no trowel and pick day which means brushing and brushing all day. Hopefully the protection masks are provided, because otherwise we will easily become artifacts or at least human remains in Trench 5…not so useless finds for some future archaeologists:-) 
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