Excavation Diary Entry

Name: EM 
Date: 7/2/2014 
Entry: This week we've been excavating unit 21101 of Building 119. This meant excavating the rubble layer, which was incredibly compact. Until this week, I'd never really understood that archaeology is a destructive process. Initially we scraped away at the layer with trowels. However, this proved inefficient, and so we resorted to using the pick axe. While this was more efficient we finally reached the floor today. Much of the upper part of the layer contained animal bones and small clay balls. Often there were groupings of three or four large animal bones which could imply a feast. While there was already one wall visible, we also found what appears to be a second partition wall on the south half of the unit and a bin that extends from the wall on the northern half. These are more delicate so we've excavated them with a small trowel as opposed to a regular one. Two unusual finds were a small masculine figurine found by the wall in the northern half and a large clay ball in the center of the unit. Today we finally reached what appears to be the floor in the center of the room. However, there is still a layer of midden that needs to be removed in the southern part of the room. 
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