Entry: | We may be getting close to the bottom of the floor sequence in Building 96! It's tricky, though, because we haven't had any burials out of platform f. 3507, and with so many coming out of f. 3508, we would expect to find some there as well. But in section we can see that there are really only two significant plaster layers that extenuate across the entire space; near the walls of course there are many more but they are not preserved in the middle due to scouring.
As we get lower and lower down, this disparity becomes ever more extreme (2 floors in the center vs. 20 at the walls) and it gets more difficult to find a consistent floor layer across the space. Right now I am working on removing plaster u. 20876 (contemporary-- we think-- with u. 20875) and it is really difficult to find a makeup layer underneath that is consistent. We are trying to group floors as much as possible, but it is difficult as we get nearer the bottom to be sure I am not removing the remnants of the earliest or second-earliest floor in a particular place.
I know it will become clear as I continue to work but for right now, it is quite a challenge! |