Entry: | Stratigraphical introduction to the area including B43, B160, B24, B6, B17, South shelter - Mellaarts Shrine 8 and 10 sequence. Last year (2014) the last features of B43 was excavated (except for some foundation burials). Due to the uncovering of two crawl holes it became clear that B43 had two side-rooms. When moving into the building below B43, called B160, it became clear that it had a side room towards the north as well as to the east and south-west. In what Mellaart called the Shrine 10 sequence, comprised of at least 3 buildings (B24, B6 and B17) this season (2015) started with the removal of the south wall of B24 (F511, U12071, U12072). That stood directly on the south wall of B6 with no bonding walls left (F.485, U.17069, U.12070). The south wall (F485, U12069, U12070) of B6 bonded to the east wall of B6 (F486, U22501, U22502, U22503, U22505). As far as can be seen, this wall stands on top of the east wall of B17. Behind F486 a plastered wall was uncovered. This wall is the same as the west wall of B160, a single wall, plastered on both sides. This means that B160 has got another space towards the west. This space has no number yet. This space, constructed and abandoned before the construction of B6, Sp. 163, is only definable by the wall plaster mentioned above. However, according to Hodder the buildings in this area can share single walls without being connected with access holes. In any case, this new space links B17 to B160 to B6 to B43 and so on in that order. What is now unfolding is like a huge "complex" of buildings/spaces including at least two large rooms and several small side rooms. One of the problems in the interpretation process of this area is that when the 99’ team excavated the remains of B6 (except the walls) and into B17 they didn’t know about the spatial/chronological relations between B43-B6 and B160-B17.
There is now as well a clear physical relation between B118 and B17/B6, and also between B130 and B6. A space/time sequence can now be traced up from at least B17 to B96 via B43. |