Entry: | Finally I came in Çatalhöyük for my 8th excavation compaign on Sunday. It made me so excited and a little bit nervous. Because after every excavation season i feel so sad and wait for next season. I got 8th season in Çatal and it is an amazing part of my life.
This year i am working on South Shelter in building 160. It seems such a nice building with borders of walls. Me and Onur supervise this building and are working with Yunus, Amanda and Yoka. They are so funny and have got nice collobration to each other. Finally i have started my work in Çatal on Monday. We scraped on the surface and tried to understand buildings dimensions.Probably we will have more burials in that buildings infill. Before i was coming to site, they have exposed some human remains on the surface. They will be getting slower to going deeper infill, but we have nice human lab team and they will get rid of removing that burials so fast. I am waiting my next days in Çatal, hopefully they will be more excited than last years. |