Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 8/8/1996 
Entry: For some reason today was a lot less stressfull, maybe because everyone is getting used to the system and of course we're now more or less fully equiped.

Roddy and Mary excavated (1066) overlain by (1064), the reason being that it was a thin ashy layer which wouldn't have survived long. They then began excavating the dense mudbrick deposit (1067), which is now within the cut (1041) and below (1051). There appear to be several depostion horizons with organic deposits interleaved. Jon and Anwen have excavated arbitrary layers (1063) overlying (1071), building debris deposits with no visible deposition horizons. Jon cut the north section back as (1068), to ascertain whether the north wall has actually bottomed, I don't think we're any the wiser at the moment, if it has bottomed then it has done so at a higher level than the west wall. Needs sorting. I helped Ali take out the next deposit in space 107 (Ian had to go to Ankara). By the end of the day only one unit had been excavated because I took Ali through the system, letting him do the planning and recording, as can be expected it was slow but I reckon if time is spent teaching him now he'll manage on his own later on. Naomi and Cicek began excavating the section in space 108, so far what appears to be room fill (1058) has come out and the top fill (1069), of the cut to the north. Naomi thinks it was the fill of a plastered basin, I can't see that myself and as I've told her before I want the stratigraphy out and interpretation can follow. Naomi was a bit under the weather.

The workmen have just about finished, I don't know what they'll do now. We could do with more sievers but we're short of sieves. Colin and Atakhan have begun digitising the walls of space 108. We had an inter-trench site tour just before the end of the day. We should try to do this at the end of every week.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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