Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Cristina Belmonte 
Date: 6/28/2016 
Entry: A few weeks ago I moved to the Sp 551, the main room of the building 160. For first time I’m not digging half parts of side rooms or remains of the seasons before. I like the feeling, because now is easy to have a general views of everything and try to see the evolution and phases of the whole building, a process that found more difficult when I was digging just this small parts of spaces, and that now I'm really enjoying.
When you look at Catal buildings with a visitor or tourist “eyes” the things seems to be more or less organized inside each “house” they have the ovens, the platforms the floors….. If you look at them with an archaeologist eyes then, you can see that maybe is not that tidy and organize as seems. BUT I’m wondering why the B160 looks a bit different from the others??? We are digging earlier buildings but still…why we have an oven in the north?? Why our platform have a round shape??? Also the floors are very patchy and complicate to follow, mixt with a dirty floor as well, the fire installations features in the south, at least 3 hearths and 2 ovens build on top the others in different phases???? And what about the four pits with bones and botanical remains inside??? I really enjoyed the possibility to dig this features that I found it very interesting, but the thing that I enjoy more has been the possibility to share our interpretation with the lab people and have the feedback. Woooww what fantastic feeling and experience, for first time in my life I’m surrounded by specialist that can help me with the interpretations and also give and interesting points of views, and lot of additional information that helps to complete or refuse our primary interpretations. Thanks guys I really enjoyed and appreciate all this feedback….We are still waiting for a few feedback because the last days we found the fourth pit so….looking forward to know a bit more of this pits.
I wonder what these people were thinking when they make this pits. The put inside all this cow bones in a very intentional positions, seems that there is more than one animal and the bones are spread in different pits…also the type of bones. The infill with this botanical remains that suggest that they close the pits very fast maybe at some point between the summer and spring?? So, they put everything and then leave the house??? What they was expecting with this offerings?? They was for something or just was a way to be grateful with the time that they spent in that building and the people that is buried there???? Who knows... Looking forward to have all the information. 
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