Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/19/1999 
Entry: Spent whole day drawing walls in space 172 and removing the wall plaster from them. Fairly mindless and tedious stuff but actually quite informative. It showed that the bin F.514 was a primary feature but that bin F.466 was not, although it is quite early in the building sequence.

I still have lots of catching up on space 172 but I have come up with four basic phases.

Phase 1 - bin 514
Phase 2 - bins 514 - 515 - 466
Phase 3 - bins 514 - 515 - 516 - 466 and ?post 517.
Phase 4 - abandonment/demolition

This is all very nice but how does these four phases relate to the six phases of space 171?

The final abandonment/demolition phase which is quite prominent in space 172 was hardly present in space 171.
The earliest phases in 171 and 172 presumably match.
Beyond that is a black hole of speculation, almost literally as the lack of stratigraphic links is caused by the deep sounding.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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