Entry: | More new people/No borders
Today Onur Yuksel and Numan Arslan joined us in what was building 131 and was soon to be building 139. I always had great respect for them, especially after witnessing the vanishing of buildings in the South area. But now I can say this with certainty - they are amazing - both as a team and as people, and, above all archaeologists. Their first task was the removal of the remnants of the walls of buidling 131 - removing the north wall took them about 10 minutes.
Most anticipated was the removal of the eastern wall - feature 7712 - and defining the western extent of the midden Justine Issavi had been dilligently excavating in order to obtain higher resolution data on external spaces. This wall started sinking from the moment it was rased, evident by heavy packing layers from both external (midden) side and internal packing layers. Was this buidling ever structurally sound is one of the questions for some smarter people - but what can be said is that there is something uniquely fun tearing down the walls between spaces and people. Like breaking the confines of our perception. Now there are no more borders between the Justine and our team. If only we could link building 132 via that (for now unexplained) crawlhole in their norther wall - and most of the shelter would live in this newly unified communal space. |