Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Lucy Hawkes 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/23/1999 
Entry: Today I began exploring and defining the extent of bin 520 which lies directly to the south of F.488 in order to try to understand the full sequence of bins before excavating F.488 further. This bin is full of clayballs and stones which were all x-finded. There were two fills in this bin. The upper one (4795) was fairly small and only covered part of the underlying one (4796). The underlying fill (4796) contained all the x_finds which lay roughly in a line down the centre of the bin. On removing this fill I revealed the base of the feature which is made of a series of plaster and packing layers. However, on excavation of this fill to the north of the bin I realised that it actually continued under the southern arm of F.488 which I had initially thought defined its extent. Therefore I shall go back and finish F.488 before carrying on with F.520. Before doing that I need to explore the last possible feature in the north half of the room and work out how it relates to the series of bins.Entered By: Lucy Hawkes 
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