Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Richard Turnbull 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/29/1999 
Entry: The ‘straight-forward’ ‘fire-installation’sequence I thought I had is not so straight-forward after all. The first part of the sequence I excavated seems OK ( 4734 through 4738 ),but then I excavated some units out of sequence. It looks now that I should have taken out another oven or two before I came to excavate the hearth(s) that I actually dug next, but I didn’t see that the cut for one of these ovens was cutting the deposits I was digging, and I only saw it today when Adnan noticed it, even though it now seems blindingly obvious.
The point at which I went wrong I think was probably when I dug the demolition backfill 4739. I’ve looked at the digital photos I took pre-ex and the unit doesn’t appear to be cut by the cut for the oven - but the photo reminded me that there was a large patch of burning at the surface of this unit and maybe this obscured the cut. This unit was about 10cm deep and I think probably was cut by the oven cut, though it’s difficult to prove - this implies that 4739 should have been 2 separate units - the superficial scorching/burning on top and the demolition material proper ( physically ) underneath. I have also looked at the digital photos pre-ex of 4740 and the cut seems obvious - the problem though is that 4746 as excavated appears to extend across the line of this cut - and seems to be sitting within the apparent cut below 4749....I don’t understand this at all at the moment... I possibly also need to insert another cut between the stone cluster 4744 and 4746 - but thinking about it I’m not so sure of that at the moment either...
To the south at the moment though there is one free unit ready to come out overlying an oven base - this oven at the moment looks like it will overly the oven cutting 4740.Entered By: Richard Turnbull 
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