Entry: | Having a great time after my short holiday doing lots of paperwork as the sections are being drawn and the shoring has not arrived. As I have got basically up to date on my own stuff I have been doing some incredibly processual stuff that Ian wants grouping all the units into large category groups to generate rather dodgy statistics from, one more nail in the coffin of post-processual methodology.
I have also been entering the heavy residue results for space 181 to try and generate some pretty graphics. Looking at the sheets I noticed a few things:
Obsidian ubiquitous Flint still present Clay ball fairly common Beads occur in most midden contexts (not something that had been noticed on site) Plaster / painted plaster still present Pottery supposedly some in 4824 S.4, 4838 S.4 and 4844 S.2 need to get Jonathon’s opinion. Are we still not aceramic? Clay figurine present in quite a few midden contexts 4836, 4837, 4839, 4844, 4845, 4846, 4848 - need to get Naomi’s opinion when she arrives Worked bone in some midden contexts Stone ubiquitous Eggshell ubiquitous Bone ubiquitous and present in large quantities in midden up to 400 to 600g in 4mm from a 30L sample dwarfing everything else.
Most of this had been noted in the field but some of it is new. In general it confirms my impression that bone is extremely dominant in the midden with relatively few artefacts and that most categories of material found in the later levels are still present.Entered By: Craig Cessford |