Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Roddy Regan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/7/2004 
Entry: Rather humid day under the shelter. What stated as a bit of a flap ended fine as we are about the shift some of the platforms or at least eat into them. It appears that what was considerd to be the the east wall and part of the south and north walls of our building actually belong to a different structure that of building 10, meaning that we have had to renumber or building as building 44. So that means most of last years excavated units were also in building 44 and not building 10, it only remains to untangle the sequence the Greek team excavated to see which stuff belogned to which building which should be fun. Anyway we have now removed the last vestiges of the late northern wall F105 which revealed the true plaster face of the wall relating to our building. The sequence of floors we have taken off then respected this wall and therefore must belong to the latest phase of our sequence. There may also be a blocked up niche or crawl hole within this wall as the floors appear to run beyond the plaster wall line to the north. At last we have released Platform F1307 as we now have floors that run under its pianted plaster face. Taking another layer of plaster from the upper surface of the platform (10637) revealed a painted strip running along the southern upper face (10638) this probably applied at the same time as that coating the southern face, hopefully then this will prove to be the primary facing of the platform and we can remove the whole thing once its been recorded. Parts of the floor also sem to be running under platform F1314 and Platform F1312, so with fingers crossed we can remove these also or at laest part of them. Anyway we are going to try and see what is under platform F1314 as the Discovery people need a skelly and were also intersted to see what it is slumping into, a large can of worms would be my bet. Anyway as it turns out we have finished a building, building 10, as required, pints all round I say, although whether just changing its number counts is open to question.

Also had a priority tour but as we are on fast track not much needed to be discussed. Filmed by Jason for video diary of areaç not very cohesive or fluent unfortunately, maybye better next time.Entered By: Roddy Regan 
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