Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 8/18/1996 
Entry: Space 105, Mary and Roddy managed to define their cut (1043), the bone cluster (1506) is within the cut but not as a primary deposit. The working theory is that the wall construction and the infilling was a side by side event within the cut, so the wall and the cut will be given an overall feature number. The west wall elevation has been drawn and recorded using the recording system Wendy devised two/three seasons ago. This is because there is no space on the wall recording sheet, and it would be a real hastle to have to complete a unit sheet for every brick and mortar type, however this needs to be discussed with Ian and others. Wall (1515) is now ready to go but its' holding Jon's wall up which needs to be drawn, so whilst that's being done Atakhan may get to digitise wall (1515). If in the future the digitising is holding us up Ian has instructed us to miss it out altogether. Jon is excavating (1505) in space 106, a layer comprising several lenses and bands of ashy 'midden', I had instructed him to take them out as one unit but these deposits are now quite thick towards the west wall so Jon will now split these layers into smaller units in the extant areas . Ali and Ian finished excavating (1504) and Ali and I began on the next layer (1513). There is some form of foundation cut (1502) for the southern wall but its relationship is unclear, we'll have to chase this as we extend the area, also there appears to be a wall in the west section which might be the same as in the east section of space 108. The horizon reached or in the process of reaching in spaces 105, 106 and 107 appears to be uniform. If so I hope it will be at this horizon that we all stop and remove the north-south walls, before this is done several sections need to be drawn. Once the walls are down the whole area can be tackled as one, there will be less units, less sampling (ie.we wont be excavating the same units in separate spaces), and this will release some excavators who could move northwards? Space 108 is as usual very busy, floor removal, wall removal by saw, I suppose being the first wall to be excavated a certain amount of excitement is to be expected. The architectural conservators have begun levelling an area in shrine 8 to build their cutting/lifting tackle and the plaster conservators have begun pre-consolidation. I hope it all works. We have a Wednesday deadline to remove walls as that's when Ian returns from Istanbul.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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