Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Doru Bogdan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/13/2004 
Entry: Situation in area of squares 1050/1150, 1050/1155, 1055/1150, 1055/1155

After removing the clearing layers 10200 and 10201 we identified a few late units like 10212 (fill) and 10215 (cut) which is just a pit containing sheep bones and an iron nail, or 1203 dump layer on top of a burrial. Lower in sequence there are 5 burials. Our team excavated 4 of them while the fifth one in the north-western corner of the area is curently excavated by Ruth and the team. They kicked in yesterday.

The four graves are all late roman or byzantine ( wood and iron nails + roman tegulae) form north to south: Feature 1551 unit: 10216 fill
10217 skeleton
10218 timberlining
10219 cut
1552 unit: 10222 fill
10230 skeleton
10224 coffin
10223 cut
1550 unit: 10204 fill
10207 skeleton
10211 cut
1553 unit: 10221 fil
10225 skeleton
10227 tegulae
10226 cut

Lower in sequence we found this grey bricks bonded with red broun mortar. Becaus ethe area is heavily eroded we couldn`t see their outline clearely so we recorded them and we took them out in layers. After removing the uppermost row of bricks 10220 and half of the lower one 10231 we realized today that we did that out of sequence, meaning that there was a demolished layer east from the bricks which should have come first, plus a series of very eroded floors coming against (later than ) the bricks.
So now we seem to have there a space enclosed by three walls (one of them 10232) with a sort of rectangular '' tower'' by it's western side, enclosing an empty space filled with two units: 10228 and 10229.
If our theory is correct , supposingly it would have been a fourth wall on the northen side of the ''space'', but we did not find it yet.

We started working also in space 227, where we removed a number of demolished contexts: 10202, 10206, 10205, 10213.Entered By: DGB 
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Konya Seker
