Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Ulrike Krotscheck 
Team: Stanford 
Date: 7/13/2004 
Entry: An addendum to SHL's entry - what she has covered, I will avoid mentioning in detail. For a description of the wall paint and plaster layers we found in the collapse along the N wall, see her entry for today.
The rest of the space: even though we are still in what we call "room fill", and the unit number should not change, theoretically, I have now become sufficiently worried about taking out almost 1m of fill im some areas to change the unit numbers in some places. These numbers still look very similar to the what we have been excavating in the last two days, containing large pieces of mud brick, mortar, and various flecks of charcoal and plaster bits. The plaster collapse near the NW wall jog we took out as 7923; the collapsed bricks in the NE corner as 7924, and SLS began excavating along the plaster in the S wall as 7925. No clearly recognizable features were found, although a good amount of painted plaster along the N wall. All these unit numbers were marked "same as" 7913. After clearing away 7923, DGN began excavating the fill between what we are calling a platform along the N wall and the maybe-basin in the SW corner (7926). The goal is to follow the lines of these features down to the floor. The delay of the shelter is slowing us down; I think it would be bettre to expose the plaster on walls so we can see relationships between the walls and the features, but as long as the plaster will dry out quickly & get damaged this is not really an option.Entered By: UK 
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