Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Bleda During 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/14/2004 
Entry: Excavation proceeded in both spaces 231and 112.

In space 231 a second spit of the sub floor construction fill was excavated - unit 10821 which is identical to unit 10819 above. The lower limit of the unit is arbitrary. Like 10819 unit 10821 contained large amounts of stones clay balls and charcoal but these decreased in frequency at a deeper level.

In space 112 a similar construction fill was removed - unit 10818 although there fewer objects in this area and the soil in this unit was cleaner.

After removal of these construction fill units in spaces 231 and 112 it seems clear that the wall that divides the two - feature 1701 - is out of phase. This matter needs to be checked but for now it seems that the fill in both spaces is linked running below the wall so that the space 231 and 112 distinction at this level seems arbitrary.

In the east a floor was found in the area where treshold 10815 had been removed on 13-07-04. This floor that was very poorly preserved to the north and south due to truncation was slightly sloping to the north. This would mean that initially spaces 231 and 112 would have been on more or less the same level and the northern space 231 was raised at some later point. - see diary 13-07-04.

In space 112 it appeared after the removal of fill unit 10818 and carefull cleaning that some of the observations of 13-07-04 were incorrect. It is now clear that both cuts 10817 and 10811 continue downwards. Furthermore it is now clear that cut 10811 is probably a large pit containing both skeletons 10813 and 10814 but this needs to be further explored.Entered By: Bleda During 
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