Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Bleda During 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/17/2004 
Entry: relatively few new developments took place in space 112 during this day.

In the southwest of the extant part of space 112 Belize (BBT) continued the removal of the lowermost fill unit (unit 10823) in post retrieval pit unit 10817. This feature was designated 1703 and includes cut 10817 and fill units 10816, 10820 and 10823 - top to bottom.

The opposing post retrieval pit on the east wall was designated feature 1705, it includes cut 10803/10808 and fills 10802/10807.

Both features are approximately the same size and depth (see drawing 004/900).

In the burial pit 1702 (cut 10811, fill 10812, containing skeletons 10814 in the east and 10813 in the west) work was continued by 3 people from the human remains team, notably (Simon Hillson, Sally Graver and Marin Pilloud). A drawing was made of the burial feature (004/903).

A small plastered niche located just above the lastest plaster floor of space 112 in the northwest corner of this space in the east wall feature 259 due north of post retrieval pit feature 1705 has been documented as feature 1704. The function of this feature remains enigmatic.

A start was made with the excavation of the packing in the cupboard placed in east wall f. 259 in former space 231. It is located directly above the latest floor 10810 in this space. This plastered ovoid 'cupboard' set into the wall (feature 1706) was probably filled with a packing when the level VI building was built on top, in order to cerate secure foundations. The packing (unit 10826) consisted of a very compact clean reddish brown clay.

Finally, the sections of space 112 were cleaned in the arbitrary unit 10825 - involving, first, the removal of wall plaster from walls f.1700 (north) f.259 (east) and f.267 in order to expose the bricks beneath, second, the removal of building fill that had been left along the edge of the walls, and third, the removal of floor layers along the walls. After cleaning the walls of space 162, located below 112, were recognized. The northern wall 1707 stood highest in the north east corner and slopes down towards the west. The western (f.295) and eastern (f.298) walls of space 162 slope down towards the south.Entered By: Bleda During 
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