Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 8/20/1996 
Entry: Huge storms last night with spectacular lightening displays. Ran up to site after dinner to protect the paint in space 107, the conservators did likewise to cover their treated areas on the wall plaster. The protection worked well, the ground was damp and colourful this morning. We've just had more heavy rain (ca 3.30pm). Frustrating day virtually everything has come to a standstill, not literally but it feels that way. Wendy looked and advised on the paint in space 108, she and the conservators talked about it and the sampling procedure on film. We now have to cut the section further back to get an optimum column sample through the paint on the step as well as cut a section through the colour powder. Wendy thinks it represents a ritual deposit before a new phase of floor, Mellaart apparently notes this. But we can't tell whether the ochre dust is deliberate or accidental. This area is getting a bit out of hand as there are so many pending units and lots of people coming and going from this area. The upper floors have come off as (1084) overlying a packing/levelling layer (1512) and the lower floors (1514) that overlie the patch of ochre powder. But the floors over the step have all come out as (1084) and we've kind of lost track HMMM! Unit (1514) sealed the cut that was exacavated as (1077) on the E half of the space however due to the eroded and worn suraface I'm not positive that it wasn't cut from higher up, it's so central to this space that I can't rule out the possibility of its association with the room. Ali drew the east facing section where he Ian and I have been working and I cleaned the west facing section. A small patch of wall plaster was stiill in situ but really of no information so I took it off and can now make more sense of what's going on. The possible blocking we recorded in this wall last season is still visioble, I had hoped it was our imagination, however now have to see what happens on Jon's side. I had to tke a fair chunk off this wall face which I numbered (1529). Mira didn't work on her wall today as she's waiting for Lindsay who was in Konya today, but she's not holding work up, it's just everything. Anwen was back in space 106 where she finished recording the sections and has also taken off a bulk that had been left in the NW corner as (1528). Jon is taking his midden down whilst Mary and Roddy continued with theirs, they found a nobbled bone ring that caused all sorts of excitement.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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