Entry: | The excavation of the burial feature 1702 (cut 10811, fill 10812, skeletons10813 and 10814) was continued by the same group of the human remains team.
It seems a third individual was encountered in the burial feature, but no skeleton unit has been assigned as yet. Two interesting developments occured. Due north of the skull of 10814 a bone object was encountered, the nature of which will become clearer in the course of further excavation. There is also an obsidian projectile point (?) in the fill that is not directly associated with a skeleton. In the north of the burial an articulated cluster of ovicaprid was encountered, that was partially removed as cluster 10828. No burial cuts within 1702 were discerned so far.
In the north the fill of two features associated with space 231 were excavated, and the nature of these features was clarified. In the east wall there is a large plastered niche (f.1706) cut into wall f.259 and located directly above floor 10810. It was plastered along the edges, but the plaster on the reverse of the feature is the wall plaster of a wall behind f.259. The exact nature of that wall and the building it beongs to requires further analysis. As the plaster on the back of the feature was initially associated with f.1706 the feature was slightly overdug in the southern part. At some point after the plastered recess had fallen out of use the feature was filled with a compact red clay, presumably for structural reasons (unit 10826).
Feature 1706 is mirrored on the west wall, where a similar plasted recess had been constructed within the west wall f.267. This recess f.1708 had a lining of red clay with a cover of white plaster that was especially well preserved on the bottom of the feature. At a later stage this feature was filled with a heterogeneous debris mix containig bits of brick and plaster (unit 10827). Of special interest is a horncore (x1) located in the northwest corner of the feature, presumably put there at the time the feature was infilled (it was not incorporated into the lining.
Finally wall 1700 was drawn and analysed (004/904). This wall was bonded to wall f.267 to the west and wall f.259 to the east and was built directly on top of the northern wall of space 162; wall f.1707.Entered By: Bleda During |