Entry: | Took off a plaster surface (11243) which was cut by removal pit 11239, post or stake-hole 11248 and the grave or burial removal cut 11217. Then took off a plaster make-up (11251) which was directly over the fill (11254) of an apparent grave cut. I've started excavating this fill and there is and there is human bone - from a juvenile? - but so far all disarticulated. The fill so far is also not not what I'd expect from a burial - not as compact as (10691), sometimes quite friable but also firm mudbrick like material. Wondering if this will be another cut with the primary burial removed - although this is lower stratigraphically than 11217 or maybe there will be an articulated burial lower down and it's just that there's disarticulated bone in the mixed material used to backfill…Entered By: Richard Turnbull |