Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Bleda During 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/20/2004 
Entry: The following activities took place in Space 112.

Marin Pilloud continued working on the burial 1702, and lifted most of skeleton 10829. With these skeleton a large number of beads were found in the general area of the chest and the skull. Some of these were of bone while others were made of a variety of stones (see x finds unit 10829). Some of the beads were in allignment and could potentially be reconstructed on a string.

Shahina Farid studied the area in order to detect burial cuts, but these could not be established. Nonetheless the sequence outlined on 19-07-2004, in which burial 1709 containing skeleton 10813 disturbed the earlier skeletons 10829 to the west and 10814 to the east has been reconfirmed.

After analysis it appeared that post rertieval pit 1705 had not been fully excavated. The fill of this feature 10807 was further excavated. It became clear that the skull on the bottom of the pit was placed there sometime during the infilling of this feature, because plaster fragments, that belong to unit 10807 are located below the skull. Thus we can envisage two scenarios; first, the skull may belong to the individual whose bones are scattered along the outer rim of feature 1702 (unit 10814), and the skull was removed when post retrieval pit 1705 was dug and later replaced in the fill. Alternatively the skull may not relate to 10814 and may represent another individual. This issue will be further explored on 21-07-04.

Further, the west section of wall 259 was drawn. The relations of this wall to other walls in the area remains problematic and will be further explored in the coming days. Finally, the analysis of the west wall surface of wall f.259 and the renewed excavtion of post retrieval pit established that the small plastered niche in this wall, recorded as feature f.1704 was not really a feature.Entered By: Bleda During 
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