Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Doru Bogdan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/21/2004 
Entry: We alocated the grey bricks structure a building number 47 and a space number 237. The building is made out of three walls and a square feature by the western wall which could be a platform. The western wall and the platform was given two unit numbers 10220 for the upper coarse of bricks and 10231 for the lower one. This was also requested by the fact that the two coarses of bricks have diffrent layout and extent. We know now that we are dealing with two phases of the bricks since 10220 covered the floors 10236 which come against (contemporary with 10231).
The southern wall of building 47 is 10231 and the eastern wall is 10235. There probably was a northern wall of the building, closing the space 237, but is eroded away. Since we know now the depth of the other walls we see that to the north at the same depth we only have a few traces of grey bricks on top of an earlier (diffren building technique) wall, and two isolated bricks 10233 which could be the only remaines of the northern wall.
Inside the building by the south-eastern corner of wall 10232 there was a bin excavated. Rectangular feature 1554 made out of grey bricks placed on one side, bonded with mortar, with one brick deviding the inner space in two. Brick structure number 10239 and in it there were two fills containing large pottery sheards: 10234 and 10238.
This feature was contemporary with a number of very eroded white plaster floors 10236 which were clearely related with the bricks 10231.
In the space 237 under the floors 10236 ther was a feature 1555, cuting through earlier floor 10246. This is an ovoid cut 10245 with serious burning traces on the bottom and sides. The lowest fill of it 10242 is a very thin layer of charcoal and ash. The cut was backfilled before being sealed by floors 10236, with two fills coming against each other, with a vertical edge making impossible to say which one is earlier. To the north of the cut there was fill 10241, clean clay, while to the south there is a big fill containing large quantities of stones and burnt daub 10240.
This situation may suggest a possible scenario of an oven, hearth dug in the ground with a cover (above area with 10240 which is then the result of the colapse of this upper structure) and with a fireing pit (in the area of 10241 which than is the result of carefull intentional backfilling prior to the disuse of the feature).!!? The charcoal and ash layer on the bottom 10242 is thicker in the area of 10241 which might indicate that the fire was made there in the ''fireing chamber''
Under this feature there is a group of clay surfaces, floors 10246 which we currently excavate.
In the southern area of the space we found a platform possibly suported by a retaining wall on which under the feature 1554 bin and the floors 10236 we identified a number of lower floors 10243 sloping towards northEntered By: Doru Bogdan 
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