Entry: | In the south central part of space 112 work continued on skeleton 10814, which was assigned an arbitrary cut (unit 10836) and an arbitrary fill (unit 10837) and a feature number (f. 1711). The skeleton was cleaned and drawn by Marin Pilloud (drawing 004/916). It will be lifted on 26-07-04.
I tried to find the edge of cut feature 1702 (cut 10811) in order to establish the relations of this feature to burial feature 1709, 1710 and 1711. During this work the following observations were made. The ovicaprid bone cluster 10828 was largely removed, but some elements are still on site. Near the leg elements white specks were abundant and they were sampled as they might contain phytoliths (sample 1 unit 10838) In the northwest of feature 1702 a second cluster of ovicaprid bones was found, unit 10839, which likewise seems to consist of leg elements.
During the excavtion of the fill of feature 1702 a difference in matrix was encountered. The upper matrix 10812 has been distinguished from the lower fill, which is brown and looser. The difference in hardness and colour may simply be a result of the extended exposure of the upper fill, but given the large depth of feature 1702 it was considered appropriate to start a new unit. Moreover, unit 10838 contained different inclusions, including dark grey compact clay particles and horizontal bands of phytoliths and / or salts (sample 2 unit 10838).
Within unit 10838 another skeleton has been encountered, unit 10840, that requires further exposure. It now seems likely that feature 1702 may have been dug to place skeleton 10840, and that this burial was later recut by burial 1709, 1711 and finally 1710. However, this scenario requires further analysis.Entered By: Bleda Düring |