Entry: | Ever since we realised that the original cut we saw in platform F.1320 was in all probability a 'robber' cut I've been excavating on the platform with the expectation of finding the cut(s) for the 2 or 3 articulated bodies that we know to be there - due to us partially exposing them when we overdug [11217]. I'm now digging units that represent the mudbrick construction phase of the platform and still no burial cut(s) and I suspect that there may not be any. Maybe I'll find that the platform was constructed around the burials even. Anyway persevering with taking away the construction. Have been side-tracked a little today by finding a unit between the mudbrick construction of F.1320 and the bench to the south F.1310. Some sort of fill post the original construction of the platform - deliberate? - but anyway pre-ex. I can already see obsidian sticking out - 3 pieces, one of which is definitely a blade - so feel that may have another obsidian cluster coming, like the one I had last week on the north side of the platform. Other than trying to get the construction sorted out (not sure that there's now time to tackle the burials this year) I have a few things to sort out to get back in phase with the platform to the north - as a few units have been stratigraphically sealed by the 'moulding' on the wall which I left rather than take out too soon, but think that if this was part of a larger moulding on the wall it was probably at the base and anything higher up was destroyed when the building was demolished.Entered By: Richard Turnbull |