Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Alex Pryor 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 8/3/2004 
Entry: Diary entry 10

The last two days have been spent tying up the loose ends of the building. I began by removing a plaster facing (11474 on the bench (f.1310), facing the south (platform f.1312) and then the thin stripof packing/makeup lying in what would have been a groove or slot between the two (11476). This uncovered an obsidian cluster of 2 obsidian pieces (including one very fine blade) and a crystal of some kind, possibly quartz. This is interesting because several others have turned up throughout the building all beside walls, or edges - this has to represent some kind of ritual activity. Next I excavated the southern bucrania hole (11477, which turned out to be very shallow, only a few cm deep - it cannot have been a horn setting if what was there was the full hole - however the symetry of the placements of grey material on the platform need an explanation - maybe excavation of the other hole next year will provide more answers??

Next I excavated the pilaster to the NW of the building (F.1335), and another plaster face on that too (11411). It left a plaster face running behind it and going down into the floor - there must be another laying or so to come from this house. The pillaster fill/construction material (11412) had 2 bone tools in it (cluster 11481), one partially disturbed by an animal burrow. It exposed the floor below theone currently exposed…

Then I also excavated the pillaster to the SE of the building (F.1309, fill 11484), and also a plaster facing on that one too (11483). This had fewer finds, also a big animal burrow which had removed most of the base of the pillaster where it met the floor. There was also a lot of plaster packing or moulding material there (11488) which looked like it had been incorporated into the pillaster when it was built - when removed it becvame clear that the layer continued down under a dark grey on the same angle and plane as the floor surfaces in that area - but the dark grey is distinctly different to the floors in the area. This makes the interpretation of the white layer as moulding or packing in between the pillaster and the post hole F.1322 somewhat unsustainable until that layer has finished being excavated - it is unclear what it represents. It means I dug half of the layer out of phase, so it will be left half excavated and completed in phase next year. Follownig this, I helped Roddy give the building a good sweep and cleanup for a final photo shot of the building - and that is the excavations for 2004 in building 44 complete.Entered By: Alex Pryor 
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