Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Doru Bogdan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/9/2005 
Entry: Hello again diary!
Today was the second excavation day. By the end of Thursday we scraped the surface and identified walls that were exposed in 2003/ I took over the aea named in 2003 spaces 93 and 94. But it seems now that they are in fact one space and we called it 247. As we started to remove the upper infill of the space (10280) we exposed hornes cluster 10281 and now we're blocked there by the bone/restauration people, but that's ok. In the northernpart of the excavated area we found neolithic burial (feature 1572)with fill 10283, skeleton 10282 and cut 10289. We also identified some divisions within the space so we gave different numbers to different infils. Something that looks like a bin for the moment contains an upper fill named 10284, excavated by Ruth, and a lower cluster that could be placed on the bottom (not yet exposed), number 10292. Immediately south from that area , separated by a thin wally (overexcavated by Ruth in its upper part) there is a different compartment containing fill 10285. Further south, covering the hornes cluster, it's burnt fill 10286, containing a lot of daub, excavated and sampled by Mira.
West from that beyond the wall/bench we started removin fill 10290 and also found an articulated sheep that became cluster 10291. Further west, outside space 247, we removed an upper dump 10288.
Meanwhile the workers are taking out foundation of roman building 41, fill number 10278 and cut number 10279.
It looks like we're going to use the 93 and 94 space numbers and then see what we do with 247.Entered By: Doru Bogdan 
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