Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Roddy Regan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/13/2005 

Since last week we have concentrated on removing the remains of the primary construction phases of the building to the east of the structure. To this end Platform F. 1312, Platform F. 1332 and Bench F. 1310 have now been recorded and removed. The northern side of Platform F. 1320 and the last vestiges of Platform F. 1321 are in the process of being removed. Removal of the plaster surfaces on Platform F. 1320 and F. 1321 brought to light several caches of deliberately placed deposits. Obsidian and flint from deposit [11497] x.1 and x.2, a bone point and obsidian from [11492] x.1-x.4, a painted shell and obsidian from [11617] x.1-x.17. Other nice finds have come from the construction layers on Platform F. 1321, a ceramic stamp from [11632] and two beads from deposit [11643]. The next important step in the excavation will be the removal of the Burial/burials located beneath the construction phase of Platform F. 1320 along the east central wall of the building. So far no complete articulated skeleton has been uncovered but the burial pit would appear to have a deliberate arrangement of disarticulated skulls and long bones at the southern end of the pit, it will interesting to see if an articulated individual lies beneath. Building 10 came back to haunt us again and although we have not removed it completely at least we can now see the east wall of building 44 for its entire length. We kept the numbers for the east wall of building 10 F. 102, and all of the finds came from the midden like mortar used in its construction [11463]. The alignment of the western side of the construction cut for building 10 was unfortunately coincidental with the alignment of the plaster surfaces on the east wall of the lower building, giving the appearance that the plaster was actually on the later wall. However, excavtion (as usual) has sorted out this little problem. But also as usual it has thrown up more problems/oppertuities what we considered the eastern wall of the building 44 would appear to be a partition wall, which would mean we are not seeing all the structure, part of which lies to the east under later material. It might make sense to dig a sondage through the the rest of the remaining wall of building 10 to see what kind of strat we might be dealing with. There is also a handy unexcavted late Roman pit which, if emptied may give us clues to the underlying strat.Entered By: RR 
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