Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Doru Bogdan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/13/2005 
Entry: Finished excavation of roman foundation 10294 and cleaning the cut 10295 and we began removing fill 10301 within cut 10302. These last ones are the fill and cut of roman foundation of E-W partition wall.
Meanwhile excavation of house infills in the western area of our trench continued with units 10297, 10298 and 10296. Nothing spectacular came out of these and we still can not figure out the stratigraphic relationships between the various walls exposed. They are clearly postdated by the fills we removed so I think so far we are stratigraphicaly correct.
The south-eastern part of the burnt building with the horns 10281, was given the space number 94 and from the southernmost part of it I removed today the lower burnt infill 10299. This coveres the floor directly and by removing it three worked stones on the floor were exposed. I also exposed the feature that for the moment seems to be a bench. We'll see tomorrowEntered By: Doru Bogdan 
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