Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 8/30/1996 
Entry: It's friday today but as I didn't finish my report on Wed. nor write one on Thurs. here I am recapping on the l;ast two days events. The week actually ended on quite a high workwise, I think we can see real progress and others have also noted a huge change which is really encouraging as things can appear to be pretty stationary when seen everyday. Jon's former wall, now Marys, feature 58, created quite a stir on Thursday. The wall on the whole comprises several brick and mortar types that may denote a different brick use and or a different phase,overall there are certain things we don't understand but we need to look at the whole thing in relation to its side walls and hope that some light is consequently thrown on the construction technique and phasing etc. A block of this wall comprising mortar and brick has been sampled for Evan and within this block was a quite extraordinary fault line where some form of movement had shifted half of the brick and mortar, this event has also been noted in the section of floors associated with the west face of the dividing wall of spaces 107 and 108. This phenomena caused much heated discussion on site as to the cause and the two basic arguements are earthquakes and slumping; the slumping would have to have been sudden and surely there would be more evidence if it was earthquake movement. The wall dividing spaces 106 and 107 has gone and Jon continued removing midden layers now covering two spaces. These are behaving much the same as before he stopped to excavate yhe wall. If I recall he'd removed (1530) which overlay (1533) which in turn overlay (1583). We should now be able to backtrack and match the later deposits in both spaces. Ali and I worked on the other half of space 107. We've defined many cuts below the make-up/levelling deposit (1532). There is a sliver of a cut for the north wall, not quite a foundation cut for stability but possibly a marker trench for the plan of the building, possibly marked by a hoe type tool. Mellaart doesn't mention FT's, obviously there are many walls on the site that are constructed over earlier walls so FT's would be particular to construction on midden and also sub- divisions within established spaces as in Rogers building in area north. I had an idea about another explanation for rebuilding; Rogers building had become so crowded by its last phase there was no possible place for further sub-divisions, and as he said there is no room for expanding sideways so what to do but start again and build on top? Back to space 107, there is an FT for both the west and south walls, we didn't pick one up to the east apart from the terracing down to the south,but the cuts we see are so narrow and shallow we may easily have missed it. There is also a huge cut in the centre of the space which apears to respect the north face of an earlier wall, the sequence of these events re fairly clear however the events are a bit puzzling, they've not been excavted yet so lets wait and see. Roddy and Atakhan have been working to the east of space 105 and have defined a new space, this is the one that was always visible but we now have a west wall. I think there will be two cells/space if not more qnd the fills in these spaces are now less occupation debris and more building debris, what we need to define is whether the collapse and consequent infilling was a natural process of erosion and collapse or deliberata, I rather suspect the former, if deliberate why not redevelope the site immeditaly and not use the area as a waste ground as I think is indicated by the latter rubbish layers. By the end of this week Mell's area had really fallen behind on inputting our unit sheets so Anwen has spent the last couple of days in the lab catching up. She was helped by Adnan and Ian on Thursday. Banu nd Nermin have both been working in area Mell this week, Naomi took her 3 day leave on Thurs. I was interviewed by Nermin on Thurs. evening, it was wierd in that she asked questions I really wasn't expecting and more on a personal basis, god knows what I said.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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