Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 9/1/1996 
Entry: Bit of a hectic day today, lots of people in a small are again, sometimes I feel I've not been organised enough to keep everyone effectively employed. I beagan the day by equipping the Greek team, we're a bit sghort of supplies at the moment and it's a bit embaressing when they ask for things and we don't have them, plastic bags for instance. There was then a urgent need for a skeleton recording sheet which we'd shelved before Jim went away thinking that we were quite safe as no skeles would turn up!

It's the 2nd today, the power went off before I'd finished my diary yesterday and wiped off alot of it aswell. On site the day was middling hectic, I spent alot of the day sorting out the space 107/108 file which was a mess because of the number of people who have worked in the area and beacause we excavated it bit by bit and unstratigarphically, the whole got out of control. Naomi went through her paperwork from that space before she moved to space 113/Mell house 7. The horizon at which Mellaart stopped is pretty weathered but an earlier wall or two can be traced, there are remnants of plaster features which presumably Mellaart removed and in the centre is an area of burning, it might be from a hearth cut into the side of the east wall? Naomi is going to pre-ex plan before tackling the startigraphy. The objective in this space is to release the junction of walls formed by spaces 105,106, 113 and 114 and in doing so we hope to resolve the north side of space 106 where the wall bottoms out higher than its adjacent walls and sits on top of a homogenous fill represented by (1052), (1053), (1063). The east facing wall of space 114/shrine 14 has been cleaned and is in the process of being drawn. This is a wonderful section with at least three phases of wall, a blocked opening, walls constructed over midden. It will also phase from another direction the foundation cut (1043) Roddy and Mary excavated. These cornered junctions are going to be pretty crucial to linking in neighbouring buildings. There appear to be two room/buildings below the ashy midden layer in space 105, a small one to the east, space 116 and a larger to the west, space 117 although 117 doesn't have a west wall yet, will it be below wall 58? Banu and Meltem began taking 116 down this afternoon and 117 is on hold until Mary's area under wall 58 has caught up. Roddy spent the day drawing sections. The latest on Mary's area is that the wall is constructed on a layer of yellow clay which appears to lie in an irregular hollow. Does this represent an initial ground preparation or is it the trample and general activity horizon at the wall construction level? It doesn't extend all the way to the south where something else is happening, that something hasn't really been investigated yet. Anwen is just about finished with her cut (1546), the fills (1593), (1601), (1606), (1609), area fairly similar but with distinct deposition boundaries. But what does it mean? Ali took out a cut running alongt the south wall, fill (1605), which is equivalent to cut (1502) excavated in space 107. Today was yet another visa day so we all wore silly hats. Today was also one of those days I was asked to accommodate 5 people all within 10 mins.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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