Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Roddy Regan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/14/2006 
Entry: 2006 a week into excavation and my first diary entry. So what have we been up to. Emptied the little room at the NW of the building, removing blocking wall 11692/11693 and roomful 11694. However in doing so we saw that the western surviving foundation of a building that would have existed to the east was actually over these deposits, something we suspected last year. Anyway took that out wall F. 2072 12800/12801 (this area now designated Space 123). Back to the wee room Space 122, under roomfill 11694 was a ashy deposit 11696 and under this or within this was a cluster of tools and the imprint of a basket, a wee closing deposit a suspect. Most of the rest of the time has been spent removing the upper floors and surfaces of Building 56. At the south end of the building removing oven F 2060 and hearth F 2061 has revealed earlier oven and hearth respectively F 2076 and F 2075. In doing so we removed floor deposits 12826 and 12827 as well as make up layer 12830. From the oven F 2060 came fills 11695, demolition, 11696 ashy fill with grindstone cluster 11697. The oven itself comprised of floor 11698, walls 12809 and plaster face 11699, lying over construction leveling deposits 12835 and 12836. From the hearth F. 2061 came grindstone 12805 over plaster surface 12820 above mud brick make up 12833. The removal of these oven and hearth deposits revealed the lower hearth and oven over which lay demolition leveling deposits, respectively 12834 and 12837. From the platforms we have removed the upper plaster surfaces of F. 2074 12829, F. 2059 12825, F. 2058 12824 and 12832, F. 2063 12828.

Once we have removed the oven and hearth and the present exposed lower floor surfaces it looks like this phase of building might be coming to its end as i can not see any other layers in the animal burrows. So it might mean there is a room filling event to come out, and possibly we will then be in a new building. Time will no doubt prove this wrong.Entered By: RR 
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