Entry: | In the last couple of weeks I carried out work in the 4040 area strictly in post neolithic context. I mainly excavated features related to B 41 the late construction there. I found a glazed pottery sherd in the fill of the foundation trench. If in Romania I would have said: clearly Byzantine. Here I don't know but asking Candemir he said "Clearly Byzantine" Since we found even more of those in the same foundations Ithink we can safely say that B41 is to be dated in the post-Roman time. Besides emptying the foundation trenches of the B 41, I also excavated a couple of post holes (features 1468 and 1469) which probably served for some scafholding type of installation used during the construction of B41. The wall foundations were given new unit numbers for the fills and cuts but the old feature numbers alocated in 2003 were employed. Northern wall of the building F1219 ; fill 12621 cut 12628 West F 1218; fill 12631; cut 12623 South F 1217; fill 12629; cut 12630. This has a gap in the center of the space 217 sector which could be related with some wooden instalation for the construction phase, removed subsequently. Maybe the entrance to that space was also in that place. Mud bricks were placed on both sides of ths gap Partition wall running N-S F1214; fill 12395; cut12627 partition wall running E-W F1220; fill 12635; cut 12636
Inside space 215 there was a mortar floor F 1466 which stepped down in the central area or it was a bassin like installation. We can't argue for one or the other since it was very disturbed and broken. Under the floor there was a very strange feature. It looked like a grave on the surface but it contained no skelly. Two solid timber beams 12619 very placed within the cut 12624 and covered by the mortar of the floor. It could be a cenotaph grave but I can't see why on earth they wanted to put in two tree trunks. I don't believe the feature 1470 is a grave, but I don't have any more suggestions towards its use. Maybe the tree trunks are some sort of relics. The crussaders must have brought the cross of Christ from Israel and burried it here. Ye, right!
Seriusly now: the space 215 seems to have been a later addition to B41 since its outer wall 1222 doesnd have any contect at the foundation level with the wall 1214. The space was created by digging a square cut. Against its southern side the wall 1222 was constructed while the rest of the bottom of the cut was covered by a leveling clay layer.Entered By: Doru Bogdan |