Entry: | The last couple of days we have been cleaning out the rest of the building fill in space 276, recorded, doing the endless feature sheets for a cleared out space and excavating the bins. The bins F.2202 was a group of three attached to the western wall of the space and was the only feature in the middle of the room during its last phase of use. The bins were scoured out removing previous bin floors and makeup layers with the exception of part of the southern most where patches of previous floors (12918) had remained. After the couring out if the bins they were filled with mud brick fragments. Because of the delicaqte natrure of the walls it may be that the bins were deliberatly filled in as well scoured out since the bins, where they are not to close to the surface, they appear to have survivced to their full height since no scars of an upper portion can be seen on the wall.Entered By: LY |