Entry: | Things went okay today. We continued to excavate the upper floors in the N part of the building. It went well and we now have almost all the building down to the main pre-burning phase. Late this afternoon we began removing wall 18, the late wall which was constructed after the fire to retain the burnt collapse to the S, and which is cut through the floors we have now exposed. It really felt like a major achievement to begin dismantling this wall, which we did with gusto. Once it is out, tomorrow, we can then take out the western walls of Space 110, built over the immediately post-fire rubble, and the building should really open up. We aim to get most of this done by the end of tomorrow, the end of yet another week. We then have 3 weeks left, and I am determined that we can still finish the building. I think some of us can start working late afternoon shifts in the building from next week. I removed the remaining half of FI 14 today. There are three stake-hole like features around it, possibly for cooking supports of some kind. One of them had a great deal of obsidian working chips in it. Mehmet had some nice finds in his small room, Space 111 - a chip of amber and a large claw, which we think is probably from a large bird eg vulture or eagle rather than cat. The human bone people completed the excavation of the main burial in Space 110. It is of a largely toothless (4 teeth) adult crammed into a pit of small size. Engin continued excavation in the space to the west of the building, taking out ashy deposits with lots of bone, just as we had to the E of the building.Entered By: Roger Matthews |