Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Doru Bogdan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/20/2006 
Entry: I cleaned the entire surface of 4040 southern part in order to see what the Byzantine walls of B41 are doing.
South of the building there is a square space created by a wall with a clay foundation shalower than the others (30 cm). It goes all the way to make contact with the southern wall of B41, but in some areas was completely erroded away dueto its proximity to the surface. The wall foundation is 12641 and the cut is 12642.
The wll truncates a grave. Just one tibia was seeble.
Further north one building can be seen abbuting the one dug by Dan and Mike. One of its walls truncated by the foundation cut of B41 has painted plaster on. This building was not signaled in 2003. Its northeastern corner is truncated and covered by midden down to one lvel but lower than that there is more midden that came against the wall.
Another building with sandy clay walls is abutting this one to the southEntered By: DB 
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