Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Candemir Zoroglu 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 6/26/2006 
Entry: Now I'm digigng that burial 2082 below thw N platform. I exposed nearly the whole rigth side of the body except the hands. Tragicly the hands are going straigth below the northern edge of cut. The strategi is to expose all whole body and then maybe we can take out the layer up against the hands. It is W-E oriantated. . The most interesting thing with this skeleton is there are lots of phytolith rope prints on the skele which everyone can see clearly. I could not expose the all bones but it looks like they started to tie the body from lower part of tibia and go upper like wrapping up. After that they should be make some knots on the knee and elbows. And than they covered the body with phytolth some where below the scapula. J.Swogger drew a nice sketch of the body with phytolith but after that we made a discussion about that I was thinking that they could have only one long rope thing to tie. I think they had nly one rope and they should have binding style. I'm going to use Duygu to make some tests about the binding style tomorrow.

Skeleton: 12875
Cut 12869
Infill: 12871
N Platform: F2059Entered By: CZ 
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