Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Doru Bogdan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/2/2006 
Entry: I started removing the plaster 12667 on the floor of B51 today. It seems that it's the only plaster layer in the house with one brown clay make up layer set on top of the room fill of B52 in some areas and directly on top of floors of B52 in other areas.

It is very likely that the two platforms at the northern end of space 98 were reused platforms from B52. 12667 coveres the room fill in front of the platforms and the platform itself but underneath it, the lower plaster layers on the platforms are burnt and they clearly go under the burnt room fill of 52. So after the removal of the make up layer and of the few features inside the house , the walls 0f B51 can go to the spoil heap and we'll be officially in B52.
That's in theory. I hope we won't find any f.. Grave cut into the platforms beneath.

Ah, I also removed the clay layer inside the hearth, 12666 and I took 123465432 samples for whomever requested them. They are probably seriously contaminated by the walking on the surface that took place over two seasons, plus the contact with the sand sacs, bird s*** and so on, but I did wash my trovel when I scraped the surface. Enjoy!Entered By: Doru Bogdan 
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