Entry: | Bad day in building 60 space 278 - archaeology not behaving, rough dirty floors many of which have been scoured away make phasing features tricky. Dan excavated a small scoop [12986] just east of the hearth feature 2223, it contained burnt material at the base and animal bone sealed by crushed mud brick. Removal of floor sequence 12982, revealed that bench 2213 may have been cut back twice (phase 4), and freed platform 2219 from the southern and eastern sequence (any relationships to the west and north are lost due to truncation).
We started to remove floor layers from the top of the platform to reveal the core. 04/07/06 removed the core of platform 2219 which may actually be an addition to an earlier plinth as below the brick core was another truncated floor 12994. started to remove the plaster layers from the east central platform 2225 as a block as removal of platform 2219 had freed them. We removed the layers of floor carefully as we already new there was a truncated burial (we had allocated a skeleton number 12935) partially exposed to the north of the platform and that the rest was clearly beneath the platform. The floors above the burial cut were loose and flakey the burial was cut through compact white plaster and just to the west of the adult burial was a small cut [13101] containing the remains of an infant (13100).
From the size of the cut of the adult burial it was possible that it could be a double interment however the cut had been truncated by a small pit cut into the platform (2225) at the same time as the infant burial, this had unfortunatly obscured any relationship between the infant and adult inhumations.
No significant finds, most of the deposits removed have been floors of building 60 or features within constructred with sterial material or scrubbed clean prior to demolition and backfill. Some of the dirty floors did contain small bone fragments and very occasionally an obsidian flake. The only significent finds were the two burials beneath platform 2225.Entered By: Michael House |